Cyber Security

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Many businesses aren’t prepared when it comes to the security of their IT systems. Unfortunately, security breaches are all too common and can have devastating effects on a business. On average, one in five SMBs report that they’ve fallen victim to a ransomware attack. Downtime costs are up by 200% year over year, and the cost of downtime is 23 times greater than the average ransom requested in 2020.

Putting in the extra time and effort to focus solely on security might be overwhelming for business owners. However, partnering with an MSP can help you simplify the process and minimize stress while improving your overall security and compliance posture. Contact us now to schedule a security consultation.

Data Pros Security Solutions provide the foundation that SMBs need to effectively meet their security needs. The solution combines intelligent profiling and alerting technology with support from our Security Operations Center (SOC) facility.

Download our security best practices checklist for working remotely

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The Cost of Cleanup

of SMBs have experienced a security breach
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increase in ransomware attacks within the last year
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average cost to businesses
$ 0 K
of SMBs close their doors within 6 months of a breach
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Small and medium-sized business customers have resource and budget constraints, and often don’t have the specialists to help them deal with attacks. Yet they need to be able to fortify their security just as much as large organizations.
Vasu Jakkal
Corporate Vice President
Security, Compliance & Identity, Microsoft

As a Microsoft partner, we can enhance your organization’s security with Microsoft 365, a complete, intelligent solution including Office 365, Windows 11, and Enterprise Mobility + Security that empowers everyone to be creative and work together, securely. Learn more about the power of Microsoft Defender by reading our blog and visiting our Microsoft Security web page.

What top features do you look for in a laptop for your employees? Microsoft Windows 11 Pro has what you need to help your workforce work more comfortably and productively. Hit reply for assistance selecting the Windows 11 Pro laptops that best suit your organization’s needs.

What top features do you look for in a laptop to help your workforce work more comfortably and productively? Microsoft Windows 11 Pro devices offer best-in-class security, manageability, and productivity — plus a potential 250% ROI. DM us to discuss which laptop is the best fits your organization’s needs.

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The Right Way to AI

When deploying AI, a little planning goes a long way. Here’s some advice from @Microsoft on steps you can take to a successful #AI adoption – which includes getting employees to embrace it. Read the article. 👀

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